

Calculators & converters

Humidity, Pressure , Rainfall unit, Temperature, Speed

  Humidity Calculator

                                Dry-bulb:                                              Dew-Point:   
                                Estimated RH(%):        

Enter the dry bulb temperature ( Tdry ) and wet bulb temperature ( Twet) in degrees Celsius, then click on the Calculate RH button



How the calculation works:

1. The pressure is assumed to be 101.3 kPa (kiloPascals).

2. A conversion factor is calculated: A = 0.00066 (1.0 + 0.00115 Twb)

3. The saturation vapor pressure is calculated at Twb: eswb = e[(16.78 Twb - 116.9)/(Twb + 237.3)]

4. The water vapor pressure is calculated: ed = eswb - A P (Tdb - Twb)

5. The saturation vapor pressure is calculated at Tdb: esdb = e[(16.78 Tdb - 116.9)/(Tdb + 237.3)]

6. The relative humidity is then calculated: RH = 100 ed/esdb


Pressure converter

Known Value
Converted Value

Rainfall unit converter

Known Value
Converted Value

Temperature converter

Known Value
Converted Value

Speed converter

Known Value
Converted Value

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