

Thermosyphon Circulation Calculator
Thermosyphon Circulation Calculator
Provided for your use by HRSGdesign.com

This calculator assumes a single group of riser tubes(heat absorbing tubes) being supplied by a single group of downcomer tubes(non-heat absorbing tubes). It should be noted that evaporators do not contain this type of perfect risers and perfect downcomers, rather they are made up of numerous sets of riser and downcomer tubes each with different circulation and flow rate. This calculator is only for learning the processes, as it takes a more powerful computing program than can be realistically achieved with a JavaScript to complete a real life circulation analysis. Please note that this calculator is set up assuming an O-Frame HRSG evaporator with internal downcomers.

Mechanical Data
Riser Tubes :
Tube Id, in: Tube Od, in:
No. Of Tube Rows: Tubes Wide:
Heating Length, ft: Heating Surface, ft2/Tube:
Avg. Straight Length-Lower, ft : Avg. Straight Length-Upper, ft :
Turning Angle-Lower Bend, Deg: Turning Angle-Upper Bend, Deg:
Bend Radius-Lower Bend, in: Bend Radius-Upper Bend, in:
Downcomer Tubes :
Tube Id, in: Tube Od, in:
No. Of Tube Rows: Tubes Wide:
Heating Length, ft: Heating Surface, Btu/ft2/Tube:
Avg. Straight Length-Lower, ft : Avg. Straight Length-Upper, ft :
Turning Angle-Lower Bend, Deg: Turning Angle-Upper Bend, Deg:
Bend Radius-Lower Bend, in: Bend Radius-Upper Bend, in:
Tube Side Process Data
Riser Flux Rate, Btu/hr-ft2: DC Flux Rate, Btu/hr-ft2:
Riser Entry Loss, VH: DC Entry Loss, VH:
Riser Exit Loss, VH: DC Exit Loss, VH:
Liquid Sat. Enthalpy, Btu/lb: Vapor Sat. Enthalpy, Btu/lb:
Liquid Spec. Volume, ft3/lb: Vapor Spec. Volume, ft3/lb:
Liquid Viscosity, cp: Vapor Viscosity, cp:
Primary Sep. Loss, psi /Total: Height of Head, ft:
Calculated Circulation Ratio

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