Note that the calculator relies on the syntax of javascript. The constants and the syntax for the mathematical functions are explained below.
Online scientific calculator
In the display window of the calculator below you write the complete mathematical expressions before calculation. This feature is very handy, especially when working with long complicated formulas. The values and expressions can be typed by using either keyboard or calculator buttons and the expressions can be reused and modified by accessing the history tab.
Note! - use radians for trigonometric functions.
The radian is the SI derived unit of angle.
There are 2 π (pi) radians (about 6.283185) in a complete circle.
- 1 rad = 360o / 2 π =~ 57.29578o (1)
The radian is defined as the angle subtended at the center of a circle by an arc of circumference equal in length to the radius of the circle.
- ans : the last calculated result
- PI : pi = 3.14159265...
- E : e = 2.71828182...
- LOG2E : log of e base 2
- LOG10E : log of e base 10
- LN2 : log of 2 base e
- LN10 : log of 10 base e
- SQRT2 : square root of 2
- SQRT1_2 : square root of 1/2
- abs(a) : the absolute value of a
- acos(a) : arc cosine of a
- asin(a) : arc sine of a
- atan(a) : arc tangent of a
- atan2(a,b) : arc tangent of a/b
- ceil(a) : integer closest to a and not less than a
- cos(a) : cosine of a
- exp(a) : exponent of a
- floor(a) : integer closest to and not greater than a
- log(a) : log of a base e
- max(a,b) : the maximum of a and b
- min(a,b) : the minimum of a and b
- pow(a,b) : a to the power b
- random() : pseudorandom number in the range 0 to 1
- round(a) : integer closest to a
- sin(a) : sine of a
- sqrt(a) : square root of a
- tan(a) : tangent of a
Some simple expressions:
- 23 = pow(2,3) = 8
- log(3) = 1.099
- 2 * (3 + 2) = 10
A more complicated formula for calculating the pressure drop in compressed air pipe lines (using same values as the )
- dp = 7.57 q1.85 L 104 / d5 p = 7.57 * pow(10,1.85) * 100e4 / (pow(52.501,5) * 7) = 0.19
Note that the expressions can be written in any editor and transferred to the calculator display by using "copy and paste".
This calculator can handle input numbers in several different bases:
- Decimal (Base 10): Numbers that do not start with a zero like 15 or 3.14e15. Decimal numbers can contain digits 0-9, decimals, and scientific notation.
- Hexadecimal (Base 16): Integers that start with a zero x like 0x1a5. Hexadecimal numbers can contain digits 0-9 and a-f (or A-F) but no decimal or scientific notation.
- Octal (Base
: Integers that start with a zero like 073. Octal numbers can contain digits 0-7 but no decimal or scientific notation.
- Binary (Base 2): Integers that start with a zero b like 0b101. Binary numbers can contain digits 0 and 1 but no decimal or scientific notation.
^ is a bitwise xor operation. To raise a number to a power use pow() function.